The Automobile Club of Moldova in partnership with the National Patrol Inspectorate organized a traffic monitoring of pedestrian’s behavior on Dacia Street, Chisinau, during several consecutive days, with the aim to analyze the traffic violations and faults committed by pedestrians. According to the statistics of the National Patrol Inspectorate, in 2015, on Dacia Street 26 road accidents were registered involving pedestrians, in result of which 2 people died and 26 were injured. According to road safety, Dacia Street continues to be one of the most dangerous roads in Chisinau.
The action was carried out within the Road Safety Prevention Campaign (in partnership with TRACECA Road Safety Project II), funded by the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA).
Thus, the analysis of the traffic pedestrian behavior on Dacia Street demonstrates us the most common violations of road traffic regulations:
The irresponsibility of the pedestrians ignoring the road traffic regulations, endangering their own lives and threatening the safety of others, represents a serious issue of the road tragedies.
Thereby, the ACM team together with the representatives of the National Patrol Inspectorate will continue to run “Pedestrian” campaigns and actions in order to enhance knowledge and awareness on pedestrian safety.
In addition, it is very important to have the further and strong support of the authorities, the civil society and citizens, to take action and to get actively involved in promoting the road safety by reducing the number of road accidents in the Republic of Moldova. Join us!
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Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HM2B2qOLUBM&feature=youtu.be