The Automobile Club of Moldova (ACM) launched web-platform for donation of child restraints, within the “Kind Child Restraint” project in Moldova.
On 17-18 May 2018, the ACM hosted the FIA Members Clubs – BKA Belarus, LAMB Latvia, LAS Lithuania and ACR Romania for the project presentation. A special technical training on correct child restraint use (CRS), checking safety performance on used CRS was delivered by TrainerDaniell Ballmann of TCS (Touring Club Switzerland), with participation of Ms. Juliette Lunel of the FIA. The ACM and BKA Project Managers, Tatiana Mihailova and Irina Potyakina, told about the “Kind child restraint” project activities in Moldova and Belarus, and how their developed platforms and are working. Other participated Clubs shared about their experience and projects, national legislation on CRS use in their countries.
On 18 May it was held the official launch of the online web-platform involving National Patrolling Inspectorate Chief Livii Baziuc, parents, and local stakeholders representing the Police, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health,, family web-portals and and local mass media. Daniel Ballman made a presentation and in-vehicle demonstration of importance, proper use and installation of different categories of CRS.
Virginia Mandalac and Tatiana Mihailova of ACM presented the “Kind child restraint” project aims with the new created and first ever in Moldova online-platform and showed a launch-video
The given project is cordially supported by the Parliamentary Speaker Andrian Candu – the Road Safety Ambassador of Moldova – who kindly donated a child restraint of behalf of his family to families in need. Mr. Candu filmed a video-message to a family who would get the donated “kind” child restraint through the ACM - .
Thus, 2 families attended the launch event as the first beneficiaries from the project.
The Ivanov family with 5 children (“Universul” Lyceum) was presented with the car seat of Candu’s family. The Fonariuc family with 7 children (“Kiril and Metodiu” Lyceum) got a child restraint donated by the ACM. The parents were very grateful and excited to receive such presents as a huge support to their big families with their wonderful children.
Another “kind” restraint was given by Eugeniu Cojocaru, the ACM Partner of “Oratorul” Theater, who is the father of 2 daughters who do not need their car seat anymore.
The ACM hopes for active community involvement and more families interested to donate their used child restraints to other parents who face financial issues to purchase them.
"Kind child restraint" project 2018 is focused mainly on creation of the donation platform for exchange of the used CRS by families. Its core aim is to provide low-income families with many children who may face difficulties with the purchase of the CRS for each child. The project is conducted by the FIA Clubs in collaboration - ACM&BKA - on child safety and development of the similar platform in both countries Moldova and Belarus. This is the prolongation of the "Be 5 star parent in the car" project implemented by BKA in Belarus and the "Keep your kids safe in cars" project of the ACM in Moldova in 2017.
The project is financed by the FIA and FIA Foundation within the FIA Road Safety Programme and FIA Action for Road Safety, supported by the Moldovan Parliament, EASST, National Patrolling Inspectorate,,, “Oratorul” Theatre, Ministry of Education, and Members of the National Road Safety Council.
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